Turquoise pull-on pants (navy blue cuffs)

Turquoise pull-on pants (navy blue cuffs) | liloo
  • Brand: liloo
  • Product Code: 12408BLU
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 22.95Lei
  • Ex Tax: 19.29Lei

Available Options

  • 2 years - 92 cm.

Turquoise pull-on pants (navy blue cuffs)

Specifications for children clothing
Made in România
Made from 100% cotton
Colour turquoise

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mmmm 2016-11-06 01:13:51

comozi si calitate satisfacatoare.

Flori Gherghina 2016-04-24 11:49:38

Sunt preferații noștri !Recomand. Preț bun

Daniela Paun 2015-03-16 12:12:24

Culoare practica si material foarte bun. Arata mult mai bine in realitate decat in poza.